As 2021 came to a close and 2022 is now upon us, Forest Glen Alpacas, like many small businesses in the country, hope that this year will be better than last. 2021 continued to bring unprecedented challenges. We are a family owned and operated alpaca farm located in Titusville, PA. Thirty-three Huacaya and Suri alpacas make their home here on the farm. We offer show quality alpacas for sale and now firmly established our fiber quality line, offered at what most people feel are much more affordable prices.
We offer breeding services, and our 5 Champion herdsires are awaiting servicing dates. Titanium is an award-winning silver gray, Independence is a fawn Grand Champion with exceptional conformation and fiber quality, and Fiber Optic is our white champion. Dozer is our dark brown award-winning herdsire. He sired his first cria in August 2020. She was a beautiful show-quality fawn cria. She went on to take 1st Place in the Spring of 2021. We added an award-winning Suri herdsire this year named Sawyer. We are very excited to breed our 2 Suris to him in 2022. The nine crias born in 2021 continue to exceed the quality we have produced in the past. Come check them out!! We no longer have an onsite gift shop due to the pandemic. But we did join the Venango Co-Op and have a spot at the Cranberry Mall in Seneca, PA. Sales have been good there and definitely saved our farm. Word of our Online Gift Shop with many more wonderful alpaca products is starting to bring in some customers. Just visit us at www.forestglenalpacas.com and click on the store.
As always, we would have started off the year contributing time and products at the Farm Show in Harrisburg in January, but it was canceled due to covid. It would have been our 13th year participating. PAOBA, the Pennsylvania Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association, runs an educational booth there each year, and member farms volunteer to man the booth, selling products, and educating the public about alpacas. Our product sales continue to climb as people love to support Pennsylvania farmers.
The PAOBA Breeder’s Showcase did resume in April of 2021. Some of our crias did start their show careers there and came away with ribbons. Hopefully, the show will go on in 2022. It is tentatively scheduled for the weekend of April 9th.
The farm did not see the public traffic it has in previous years, but people do love to visit and pet the alpacas. The farm welcomes visitors anytime. It is best to call to be sure we are here but drop-ins are still common.
Beginner’s Seminars are now being scheduled in 2022 They are titled, Is the Alpaca Lifestyle Right For You? Depending on what you were looking for, the seminar could be one or two days in length. We customized them to each client. For full details or to schedule your own seminar, call Tina at (814)827-2352.
Craft Fairs are a huge source of advertising and income for our farm. We attended 6 in 2021. They all were a big success. Folks came out just to support local crafters! Sales on 2 of them went through the roof. As stated earlier, we took a space in the Venango CoOp. It is located where Sears was in the Cranberry Mall. There are over 60 vendors there ( Crafts and Antiques). We were all in the same boat as we depend on the fairs for our income. Folks now have a venue all year filled with unique gift ideas. We will be staying at the mall for at least through 2022. Folks are learning that we are there and are coming in for all their alpaca needs. Hours are 10am – 7pm Wednesday through Saturday, and Sundays noon to 5pm.
We attended the Crawford County Fair in August, along with 2 alpacas. They are always a crowd pleaser. We will be there again in 2022 for our 12th year!! Hope to see you there. We will have many new alpaca products to offer, some made right on the farm!! We attended Christmas in Bethlehem, PA, called Christkindlmarkt in December of 2021. It ran for 5 weekends starting the weekend before Thanksgiving to the weekend before Christmas. We attended weekends 3 and 4, which we plan on doing again in 2022. What a beautiful setup they have in “Christmas Town”.
We had 9 crias born in 2021. Our first cria this year is due the beginning of June. Crias should arrive each month through September with a total of 11. We get many visitors during these months as the crias are so cute and fun to watch running and pronking in the field. Visitors are welcome 7 days a week here on the farm. Calling ahead ensures we will be here to give you a
more personal tour.
Work days were scheduled and well attended each week for those folks wanting to learn about alpacas and how to care for them. I’m hoping to expand those days and hours in 2022. There will be a variety of chores that can be done, from husbandry to shearing to herd health days. Of course, all of last year’s crias need halter trained and worked with. Anyone interested in working with these wonderful animals can call Tina at (814)827-2352 or email tina@forestglenalpacas.com to find out more.
We had hoped to have a litter of Anatolian Shepherds in the fall of 2021, but it was a false pregnancy. Our female should come into heat again mid to late April, so hopefully, in June of 2022 we will have a litter. They are great working dogs, and I have folks seeking livestock guardians for their farms.
I look forward to opening up the farm even more in 2022 to all who want to visit. The gift shop will not be open at the farm but will be open at the Cranberry Mall. I hope this will be more convenient for folks to shop. Hope to see many of you at the craft fairs as well.
Keep checking our website for updates on which fairs we will be attending. Tentatively, we will be at Oil Heritage in July in Oil City, Dan Rice Days in Girard in August, Crawford County Fair in Meadville in August, Yankee Peddler Festival in Canal Fulton, OH three weekends in September, Autumn Leaf Festival in Clarion, PA the last Friday of September, and Christkindlmarkt in Bethlehem, PA the 1st 2 weekends of December. Our contact information is www.forestglenalpacas.com, email tina@forestglenalpacas.com or phone, (814)827-2352.
Tina Weston
Forest Glen Alpacas
316 McCurdy Rd.
Titusville, PA 16354